Terms & Conditions

  Specific Terms for Owners

    The following sections apply if you share your trailer through the Services:

Introduction and Commitment

As an Owner, RentATrailer LLC offers you the opportunity to share your trailer with Renters and earn money doing it. It’s easy to create a Listing and you are in control of how you list your trailer: you set the price, availability, and rules for each Listing. 

As an Owner, you commit that you will provide a safe and legally registered and insured trailer, with current license plates, clean title (non-salvage/non-branded/non-written off), and in good mechanical condition. You will provide such trailer on time but only to a Renter who has booked your trailer through a Booking. You commit that your Listings will be complete and accurate. You further commit that you will honor all representations made in your Listings. You will not offer any trailer that (i) you do not own yourself; (ii) have authority to share; or (iii) may not be shared for compensation pursuant to the terms and conditions of any agreement you have with a third-party, including, but not limited to, a lease or financing agreement. You will not offer any trailer that is the subject of a missing or stolen report. You will not offer any trailer that is the subject of a safety recall without first properly addressing the matter subject to the recall. You will not offer a trailer that is not roadworthy (e.g., not “street legal”) in the location where it is shared and it will not have any illegal modifications to any part of the trailer. 

Information given at registration

After registering your Account, you will have the option to upload information on your trailer for approval. The information you will need to provide includes, but is not limited to, basic information regarding the trailer (e.g., year, make, and model), pictures of the trailer, title information, and proof of insurance. Your trailer will not be available to List until RentATrailer LLC approves the trailer. Approval of trailers is in RentATrailer LLC’s sole discretion and it has the right to deny approval of a trailer for any reason.


When you accept a Booking, or receive a Booking confirmation through the Services, you are entering into a contract directly with the Renter, and are responsible for providing the trailer to the Renter under the terms and at the price specified in your Listing. Your Listing must include complete and accurate information about your trailer, your price, any additional charges, and any rules or requirements that apply to your Renters or Listing. You are responsible for keeping your Listing information (e.g., availability) and content (e.g., photos) up-to-date and accurate at all times. 

Trailer availability

Once a Booking is made, you must make the trailer available or deliver the trailer to the Renter per the terms of the Booking. If you offer the Renter the option to pick up your trailer at a consistent specified location, you must supply the location of the trailer accurately to RentATrailer LLC and ensure that the trailer is available at that location at the beginning of the reservation period. 

Pricing, earnings, and payments

You will have the ability to set and revise the trailer’s pricing as you choose. RentATrailer LLC will pay you the amount collected from Renters that book your trailer through a Booking, less the applicable fees payable to RentATrailer LLC. A current fee schedule can be found here. To the extent you owe RentATrailer LLC money for any reason, RentATrailer LLC also reserves the right to deduct those amounts from your payment. 


You are required to regularly check your trailer for any defects in its operations or safety. You promise that, at all times, your trailer will be in safe and roadworthy condition, in good mechanical condition, and in full compliance with all applicable inspection and registration requirements required by law. You will only list trailers with a clean, non-salvaged, non-written off, non-washed, and non-branded title. You agree to respond to any applicable recall or similar safety notices and to complete any recommended action before making a Listing of your trailer. In addition, if RentATrailer LLC believes that your trailer does not conform to reasonable standards, RentATrailer LLC may notify you and reserves the right to remove or decline Listing your vehicle until its concerns have been resolved. RentATrailer LLC may, but does not commit to, undertake efforts to ensure the safety of trailers booked through the Services. 


Owners are required to maintain appropriate liability insurance coverage for the rental of your trailer. You must provide proof of insurance coverage to RentATrailer LLC upon its reasonable request. If you fail to provide such information satisfactory to RentATrailer LLC, then RentATrailer LLC reserves the right to suspend your Listings and remove the trailer from the Services, or any other action RentATrailerLLC deems necessary in its sole discretion. RentATrailer LLC suggests that you carefully review policy terms and conditions including coverage details and exclusions. 

Your responsibilities

You are responsible and liable for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you allow to participate in offering your trailer to rent through the Services. You are responsible for setting your price and establishing rules and requirements for your Listing. You must describe any and all fees and charges in your Listing description and may not collect any additional fees or charges outside the Services. You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, rules, regulations, and contracts with third-parties that apply to your trailer and your Listing. You are responsible for handling and using personal data of Renters and other Users in compliance with applicable privacy laws and these Terms.

Assumption of risk

You acknowledge that sharing your trailer with Renters carries inherent risks and agree that you assume the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Services, offering your trailer for rent to Renters through the Services, or any interaction you have with other Users whether in person or online. You agree that you have had the opportunity to investigate the Services and any laws, rules, regulations, or obligations that may be applicable to your trailer and your Listings and that you are not relying upon any statement of law made by RentATrailer LLC. 


As an Owner, you are responsible for determining and fulfilling your obligations under applicable laws to report, collect, remit, or include in your price any applicable taxes. 

Specific Terms for Renters

The following sections apply if you book a trailer through the Services:

Introduction and Commitment

As a Renter, you commit that you are a legally licensed driver and will provide proof to the Owner or via the Services of a current valid driver’s license. You will treat the trailer well and will take all responsible measures to return the trailer on time and in essentially the same condition as you received it. You will not allow anyone other than a person listed in the Booking to operate the trailer or a drive a vehicle hauling the trailer.

Renter’s responsibilities

You are responsible and liable for your own acts and missions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you allow to participate in the renting of a trailer through the Services. The Renter that made the Booking is financially responsible for all physical damage to or theft of a Trailer that occurs during the rental period, plus any additional costs and fees resulting from damage of any kind to the trailer, regardless of who is found to be at fault. This responsibility applies whether the Renter has their own automobile insurance or not. Renters may be insured against damage to the booked trailer under their own automobile policies. When you book a trailer through the Services, you agree that if any damage occurs to the booked trailer during the rental period, you will work with RentATrailer LLC and the Owner to make a claim for coverage under any policy of insurance that applies to the loss.

Use of the trailer

When you book a trailer through the Services, you must use the trailer only for your personal use and not for any commercial purposes unless you have express written permission from RentATrailer LLC in advance, which you can obtain by emailing support@rentatrailer.us. You may not access a trailer until the rental period start time and return it on time to the correct location as described in the Booking. You must present the Owner with a current, valid driver’s license at the time of retrieving the trailer. You must exercise reasonable care in your use of the trailer. You are required at all times to safely operate the trailer in compliance with all applicable laws. In the event RentATrailer LLC has any concern about your use of a trailer, RentATrailer LLC may terminate your Booking in its discretion at any time and require the immediate return of the trailer, including recovering the trailer on behalf of the Owner. You must ensure the trailer is secure at all times. You must not engage in any unlawful uses of the trailer. If you have any concerns about your planned use, please contact us at support@rentatrailer.us. If you misuse a trailer, you will be fully financially responsible for any related claims, loss, or damage. 

Condition of the trailer

You understand that third-parties own the trailers offered through the Services. Each Owner is responsible for complying with all legal requirements (including ensuring the trailer is registered and insured) and maintaining their trailer(s) in safe and roadworthy condition. Please complete a visual inspection before you begin your use of the trailer. If you find damage in your initial inspection, you should upload photos of such pre-existing damage at the start of your reservation to your Account to ensure you are not held responsible for pre-existing damage. If you find damage on your initial inspection and fail to report it, RentATrailer LLC, third-party administrators, or insurance carriers, may assume that the damage occurred during your rental period. If after your initial inspection you believe that the trailer is not safe to operate, please do not use the vehicle, Instead, please contact RentATrailer LLC immediately at support@rentatrailer.us. 

No responsibility for shared trailers

You acknowledge that RentATrailer LLC is not responsible and shall not be liable for the safety, roadworthiness, or legal status (e.g., whether the trailer is legally registered or the subject of a stolen report) of any trailer shared via the Services beyond our policies that require Owners to ensure their trailers are in safe and operable condition, legally registered to be driven on public roads, not subject to a missing or stolen report, have a clean title (e.g., non-salvaged/non-branded/non-washed/non-written off), and not subject to any safety recalls. 

Incident reporting

You must immediately report any damage to the trailer to RentATrailer LLC at support@rentatrailer.us. If there has been a collision involving the trailer during your rental period, you must also make a report to the police. You will need to use all reasonable efforts to secure evidence from any available witnesses and to provide RentATrailer LLC or third-party claims administrators with a written description of the incident and any other information requested, including identity and insurance information of any parties involved in the incident. You are also required to cooperate in any loss investigation conducted by RentATrailer LLC, third-party claims administrators, or insurers. After an incident, you may not continue to use the trailer unless you have the explicit permission of RentATrailer LLC staff. 

Trailer theft

The following conduct may result in the reporting of the trailer you have booked as stolen to law enforcement, possibly subjecting you to arrest, and civil and/or criminal penalties: 

  • If you fail to return the trailer you booked at the time and place agreed upon with the Owner and/or designated in your Booking.
  • If you do not return the trailer by the end of the rental period and you have not properly obtained an extension of the rental through the Services or with the Owner.
  • If the trailer is returned to any place other than the return location as designated in the Booking or agreed upon with the Owner. Any damage to, or loss or theft of, a trailer occurring prior to the Owner inspecting the trailer upon return at the end of the rental period is the Renter’s responsibility. 
  • If you misrepresent facts to the Owner pertaining to Booking, using, or operating the trailer.
  • If you fail or refuse to communicate in good faith with the Owner, police, RentATrailer LLC, or other authorities with a full report of any accident or vandalism involving the trailer or otherwise fail to cooperate in the investigation of any accident or vandalism. 
  • If the trailer is operated by anyone who has given a fictitious name, false address, or a false or invalid driver’s license, whose driver’s license becomes invalid during the rental period, who has obtained the trailer without permission of the Owner, or who misrepresents or withholds facts to/from the Owner or RentATrailer LLC material to the Booking, use, or operating of the trailer. 

The Renter is responsible for any private investigation costs RentATrailer LLC deems necessary to recover a trailer that is not returned. 

RentATrailer LLC, a hired agent of RentATrailer LLC, or the Owner may repossess any trailer booked through the Services without demand, at the Renter’s expense, if the vehicle is not returned by the end of the rental period, is found illegally parked, apparently abandoned, or used in violation of applicable law or these Terms.

Assumption of risk

You acknowledge that renting a trailer carries inherent risks and agree that you assume the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Services, renting a trailer through the Services, or any interaction you have with other Users whether in person or online. You agree that you have had the opportunity to investigate the Services and any laws, rules, regulations, or obligations that may be applicable to your rental of trailers and your Bookings and that you are not relying upon any statement of law made by RentATrailer LLC. 

Cancellation Policy

Renter cancellation

If a Renter wants to cancel a Booking, we encourage them to notify the Owner as soon as possible and process the cancellation themselves through the Services.

Free cancellation period

Renters can cancel their Booking through the Services, and the cancellation is effective immediately. Whether the Renter receives a full refund, a partial refund, or no refund depends on the circumstances. The total mount refunded will depend on when the Renter cancels the Booking. Renters can cancel their Booking free of charge up to 24 hours prior to the start of the rental period. Renters who make a Booking within 24 hours of the rental period have one hour after Booking to cancel for free. 

Booking modifications

If a Renter requests a Booking modification and the Owner accepts, that modification does not reset the free cancellation period for the Booking. It remains tied to the time of the original Booking.

Cancellations outside the free cancellation period

If a Renter cancels a Booking within 24 hours of the start of the rental period, the Renter will only be entitled to a partial refund of 50% of the cost of the Booking. 

Renter no-show

If a Renter fails to cancel and does not show up within 30 minutes of the start of the rental time, it is a Renter no-show. A Renter who shows up to retrieve the trailer and does not have a license, has an invalid license, or who sends an unauthorized individual in their place, is also a Renter no-show. RentATrailer LLC or the Owner will cancel Renter no-show Bookings, and RentATrailer LLC will issue a partial refund of 50% of the cost of the Booking to the Renter. 

Early returns

Renters are not entitled to a refund for returning the trailer earlier than specified in the Booking, except where the Renter has submitted a Booking modification request through the Services to shorten the rental period and the Owner accepts the modification. 

Owner earnings for cancellations outside the free cancellation period and no-shows

Owners must report all no-shows within 72 hours of the start of the rental period as specified in the Booking. If a Renter notifies RentATrailer LLC that they didn’t show up and the Owner fails to report the no-show, RentATrailer LLC will not issue any earnings for that Booking. If a Renter cancels outside the free cancellation period, or the Renter no-shows and the Owner timely reports the no-show, Owner will earn 50% of the cost of the Booking, less RentATrailer LLC’s fees. 

Owner/RentATrailer LLC cancellation

On occasion, an Owner or RentATrailer LLC might cancel a Booking. If an Owner wants to cancel a Booking, we encourage them to notify the Renter as soon as possible and process the cancellation themselves through the Services.

Bookings cancelled by Owner or Owner no-shows

If an Owner cancels a Booking, or has not canceled and does not show up within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time as specified in the Booking, it’s an Owner no-show, and the Renter will receive a full refund. Funds from the canceled or no-show Booking will be available for 24 hours after the cancellation for the Renter to make a new Booking. After 24 hours, RentATrailer LLC will automatically issue a full refund to the Renter. 

Bookings cancelled by RentATrailer LLC

On occasion, RentATrailer LLC will cancel a Booking. If that happens, RentATrailer LLC will contact the Renter and the Owner and the Renter will receive a full refund. 

Exceptions/Extenuating circumstances policy

Exceptions to the cancellations outside the free cancellation period and for no-shows may apply in the event of extenuating circumstances. We understand things happen outside of your control that may force a Renter to cancel a Booking. RentATrailer LLC’s extenuating circumstances policy allows Owners and Renters to receive a full refund or waiver of cancellation penalties when certain conditions apply. 

If a Renter or an Owner cancels a Booking within 24 hours of the start of the rental period or no shows for reasons detailed in this policy, you will not be charged the cancellation fee. Per our cancellation policy, Renters can always cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the rental period. 

If you believe you have an extenuating circumstance justifying an exception from the cancellation policy, you must contact RentATrailer LLC within a reasonable time from the cancellation or no-show at support@rentatrailer.us. Your request must include a description of the Booking (e.g., names of Owner and Renter, dates of the rental period, and price) and a detailed description of your extenuating circumstance. Examples of extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • Death or severe illness of an Owner, Renter, or immediate family member, including spouse/partner, child, parent, grandparent, or sibling. 
  • Hospitalization of an Owner or Renter.
  • Government-mandated obligations, such as jury duty or military assignments.
  • Government-mandated restrictions or epidemic/pandemics as reported by the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that impede travel or the use of a trailer.
  • Natural disasters or severe weather incidents that impede travel or the use of a trailer.

RentATrailer LLC will consider your request and may ask for supporting documentation. If you fail to provide supporting documentation upon RentATrailer LLC’s reasonable request, then your request for an exception to the cancellation policy will be denied. 

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Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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